Setting up elfeed for RSS feeds

Published on Oct 7, 2021, by Junji Zhi

elfeed is awesome!

I blogged about how I use elfeed to manage all my RSS feeds and read them in the distractionless Emacs window.

This post is about setting up elfeed.

In Doom Emacs. You just enable/uncomment the rss app in init.el, and configure the RSS sources either with the (setq elfeed-feeds ...) directly, or with +org and configure in ~/org/ (I preferred the latter).

If you are not in Doom Emacs, follow elfeed doc to set it up. Their README is straight forward.

The usage is simple:

2021-10-06 21 28 59

You can do instant search by pressing the s key, read a feed by pressing enter, or mark a feed as read, and press g to refresh the list.

One quirk I learned is that, elfeed don’t really delete your feed. If you don’t want to see them as again, just mark the feed as read, and refresh.

Happy reading!

Updates on 2022-03-05:

Not all sites support RSS feeds. If you use Firefox and Pocket, you can set up pocket-reader.el to read your bookmarked articles. It also supports adding Elfeed article to Pocket. This kind of Read-it-Later workflow works well for me.
